Longtail Keywords: When to Target ZERO Search Volume Phrases

High-volume broad keywords are well-known for directing searchers to your website. But they don’t always lead to a corresponding number of conversions. In fact, the more general the phrase, the less likely a web page visitor turns into a paying customer.

Which is why any SEO guru worth their weight in gold recommends targeting more specific phrases, even going so far as to target ZERO search volume phrases. Such words may have a low search volume but customers using the exact sentence usually want to buy.

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So, what do we mean by low search volume?

Google defines the term as a status given to keywords with very little or no search history.

These phrases tend to lack substantial search volume. And are often used when looking for a specific service or a product quality. Making it relevant to your ideal target audience.

Amazon is an excellent example of a company taking full advantage of zero search volume phrases. The platform generates as much as 57% of sales from longtail keywords.

With such facts, you just have to ask yourself – what’s more important? Search volume or conversion?

Why You Should Target Zero Search Volume Phrases

a.   For A More Specific Audience

Longtail keywords are more specific to the searcher’s needs than one or two-worded general phrases. Think about it this way: let’s say you run a bakery and one of your best-selling items is the chocolate caramel cupcake.

What would searchers interested in buying the said baked good search for?

Where to buy chocolate caramel cupcakes with vanilla icing, right?

Yes, some may search for “chocolate caramel cupcake”. But many will use longer specific phrases because they either want to learn something, buy a particular item, or go somewhere new.

That’s why targeting zero search volume keyword phrases isn’t such a bad thing.

b.   To Get Higher Conversion Rates

Longtail keywords have a 36% conversion rate. If someone lands on your site from such a phrase, it’s because you have exactly what they’re looking for.

Which makes the individual more likely to perform the desired action. Anything from filling out a form, calling you, or buying the product from your online store.

c.    Lower Competition

It’s easier to rank higher with longtail keywords than with broad phrases. Mostly because specific phrases return fewer results than more general words.

And because fewer websites are pursuing them, those that do tend to have a leg up over the competition.

Considering the high rate of conversions, you’re almost guaranteed a sale from every visitor.

d.   More Profit

In B2B Organic Searches, longtail keywords generate:

In B2B PPC campaigns, longtail keywords lead to:

The Best Approach to Using Longtail Keyword with Zero Search Volume

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Image by isuru prabath from Pixabay

While longtail keywords may have low or zero search volume. Building a campaign with such phrases shouldn’t be a guessing game.

Here are some specifics that make for an effective longtail keyword research strategy:

1.   Focus on Meeting your Target Audiences’ Needs and Interests

Your content and keywords should be relevant to what your targeted clients are interested in. Searchers you’re targeting with longtail keywords are likely to become paying customers when their needs are met.

2.   Feasibility

As opposed to focusing on search volume, consider the chances of ranking for the longtail keywords you selected. It’ll save a lot of your time and resources.

3.   Buyer Persona

Attracting a lot of traffic from users who aren’t interested in products or services does your business no good.

To keep this from happening, design your content to match your targeted buyer’s persona. And use longtail keywords based on research of your ideal customers.

4.   Take an Idea-Based Approach.

Don’t just rely on what keyword planners deliver. The behavior of search users varies widely across different demographics and industries. Therefore, you need to stay creative and identify the specific variation that your target audience will use.

Search engines autocomplete feature can act as a great starting point.

5.   Use Relevant Words

Evaluate the words automated keyword tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush suggest. They should be relevant to your brand, products, or services. You may get ideas from:


6.   Keyword Stacking

Keyword stacking refers to using low search volume keywords and adding them to the main keyword sets within a content piece. Include it in your strategy, but don’t confuse it with keyword stuffing.

7.   Target Locally

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Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

About 43% of Google Search Queries have local intent. Which means you can increase traction with low volume keywords if you add them in your longtail phrases. And optimizing for local searches.

8.   Keyword Difficulty and Effectiveness

Instead of focusing on search volume, you can use the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) and Keyword Difficulty Score. Both of which provide insights on how hard it is to rank for certain phrases.

9.   Choose Your Keywords Wisely

What matters most is if the keyword makes sense and if you think your site can rank for it.

Once you come across a phrase whose estimated search volume is almost nonexistent, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does the keyword make sense in a sentence?
  • Was the keyword auto-filled, suggested, or otherwise presented by google?
  • Is it a cluster keyword or an island keyword?
  • Can it compete with top results either by relevance or on authority?


Since longtail keywords are more specific, they end up being more profitable than more broad phrases. You’ll also have a much easier time appearing on Google’s first page. In addition, zero-volume keywords are invisible to most marketers. Meaning such a strategy will result in less competition for you and more traffic for your website.

Keep in mind that SEO is a series of processes. Integrating ZERO search volume keywords in your content without making other optimizations won’t get you optimal results.

But if you follow all the basic SEO best practices– meta tags, title in URL, and alt text for images. Then the zero search phrases specific to your line of work will undoubtedly boost your conversion rates.

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