SERPs and SEO: How Important Are They For Growth?

SERPs and SEO: How Important Are They For Growth?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the approach of optimizing a website for Google search to earn higher web traffic levels and improve the site’s visibility.

SERPs (search engine results pages) are pages that Google displays in response to a user’s search query.

Understanding how SEO and the SERPs work together can improve your website’s ranking on search engines and earn more traffic.

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, so SEO techniques that worked in the past may not work now. It’s vital to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO news and trends to make your website visible.

This will not only help your website to be on Google’s radar but also for you to equip you with the necessary knowledge to avoid penalties in the future. Many factors go into Google’s ranking algorithm, but some of the most important is website content, links, and user experience.

By creating content relevant to your audience and building links to your website, you can improve your website’s ranking on the SERPs. In addition, making sure that your website is easy to use and provides a good user experience will help to improve your ranking.

Google Guidelines

One of the most significant aspects of SEO is adhering to Google’s guidelines. 

Google is the largest and most popular search engine, so it’s crucial to follow its guidelines if you want your website to be thriving long-term. Fortunately, their guidelines are relatively simple and straightforward:

• Create unique and relevant content.
• Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions.
• Build quality backlinks. 

If you can do all of this, you’ll likely see a noticeable improvement in your website’s SERP ranking.

How Google does its ‘thing’

Google’s algorithms are a complex system designed to index and rank web pages. In general, Google’s algorithms can be divided into three parts: 

1. Crawling: Google uses a web crawler called Googlebot to scan the web and index web pages.
2. Indexing: Once a web page is crawled, it is added to Google’s index. The index is a massive database of all the web pages that Google has crawled.
3. Ranking: When someone types a query into Google, the algorithms search the index for web pages relevant to the question and rank them accordingly.

These three parts work together to ensure that Google indexes and ranks web pages accurately.

Quality Ranking Factors

There are several ranking elements that Google considers when determining the SERP rank of a web page. However, not all of these factors are equal. 

A good mix of factors can be advantageous for your business and online presence. Some elements, like keyword density, are much less essential than they used to be. While others, like backlinks, are more important than ever.

TIP: check out our other SEO post on how to rank here

Official Google Webmaster Guidelines 

The best way to improve your website’s ranking is to follow Google’s official webmaster guidelines. These policies are designed to help you create an accessible website for Google to index and rank. 

Some of the most critical guidelines include: 

1. Creating unique and relevant content 

2. Using keyword-rich titles and descriptions 

3. Building quality backlinks 

Google’s SEO Starter Guide

Google’s SEO starter guide is a significant place to start if you’re new to SEO. This guide covers the basics of SEO and provides actionable tips that you can use to improve your website’s ranking. 

Google SEO Tools

You can use several means to help with your SEO efforts. Some of the most popular and useful tools include:

Google Search Console: This Google tool allows you to submit your website to Google for indexing, track your website’s SERP ranking, and more.
Google Analytics: This instrument allows you to track traffic to your website, see which pages are the most popular, and more.
Google Keyword Planner: This Google tool helps you to research keywords for your website and see how much traffic they are generating.

Search Console

The Search Console is a Google tool that allows website owners to track their website’s performance on Google searches. It provides information about how many people search for your website, what keywords they use, and where your website ranks on the SERPs. 

The Search Console can be a valuable resource for understanding how your website is performing on Google and troubleshooting any issues you may be having.

To get started with the Search Console, you’ll need to add your website to your Google account and verify ownership. Once you’ve done that, you can begin tracking your website’s performance. 

If you’re not sure how to use the Search Console, Google provides a detailed, helpful guide here.

SEO Tips

Here are a few simple things you can do to improve your website’s SEO. 

First, make sure that your website’s content is relevant to your audience. Write articles and blog posts and create informative and exciting pages. 

Second, build links to your website. You can do this by doing guest blogs for other websites, writing press releases, or creating social media accounts and sharing your content in various platforms. 

Third, make sure that your website is easy to use and provides a good user experience. Include straightforward navigation and make your pages easy to read and understand.

SEO is an important part of website design and development, however, it’s only one puzzle piece. To have a successful website, you also need to focus on other aspects such as content, design, and user experience. 

You can improve your website’s ranking on the SERPs and earn more traffic by following the tips above. Follow these suggestions in mind as you work on your website, and you’ll be well on your way.

What Types of SERP Results Are There?

Different SERP results can be displayed in response to a user’s search query. The most common type of SERP result is the organic result, which is determined by Google’s algorithm. 

Organic results are based on several factors, including the quality of the website’s content, the number of links to the site, and the user experience. 

Other SERP results include paid results, which advertisers determine, and local results based on the user’s location. Google also displays different results, such as images, videos, and news articles.

Paid SERPs

Advertisers can pay to display their website as a paid result on the SERPs. Paid results are displayed at the top of the page, above the organic results. 

Paid ads marketers choose which keywords they want their website to appear for, bid on those terms, and compete with other advertisers. 

Paid ads can be a valuable way to get your website in front of potential customers, but you should use them in addition to organic SEO and not as a replacement.

Organic SERPs

Organic results are the websites that appear in response to a user’s search query based on Google’s algorithm. Google’s algorithm considers various factors, including the quality of the website’s content, the number of links to the site, and the user experience.  

Organic SEO aims to improve your website’s ranking on the SERPs to appear as high up on the page as possible. The higher your website ranking is, the more likely people will click on it. 

Organic SEO can be a long-term process, but it’s a valuable way to earn traffic and improve your website’s visibility. 

To create valuable content that will rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s essential to understand how the search engine optimization (SEO) process works. 

A variety of factors are considered when ranking a website, including the site’s content, design, and popularity. SEO is vital for two main reasons:

1. It can help you attract more visitors to your site.
2. It can help you improve your site’s conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who implement the desired next step, such as making a purchase).


These are the text fragments that appear below each result on a SERP. They are designed to give the searcher a taste of the linked-to page and influence their click-through rate (CTR), whether they click on a result.

The snippet method has improved organic CTR by up to 6% for some businesses and adapt its content to address user queries explicitly.One of the most vital ranking factors is the SEO click-through rate (CTR). CTR measures how often users click on a result in the search engine results pages or SERPs. 

A higher CTR means that your result is more attractive to users, and eventually, Google will reward you with a better ranking. There are several methods to improve your CTR, but optimizing your snippets is one of the most effective ways to do so. 

Some SERP features can also help you improve your CTR. These unique features appear on the SERP, usually above or below the organic results, that can help your result stand out. 

SERP features may include rich snippets, featured snippets, and Knowledge Graph panels. To take advantage of these features, you need to ensure that your site is eligible for them and that your pages are optimized to appear in them. 

If you’re not sure how to do this, we can help. Our team of SEO experts can help you in optimizing your pages for SERPs features and improving your organic CTR.

Optimize for the W’s…

Adapting content to aim for questions: How, When, What, Where…

Your goal as a website owner or content creator is to get your pages to show up on the first page of SERPs for your chosen keywords, as this is where most people will click. 

You can achieve this through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

SEO is the process of optimizing your website and its contents to rank higher in SERPs. One way to accomplish this is by utilizing content that answers common questions people have about your chosen topic. 

For example, if you are producing content about car repairs, you could create an article titled “How to Change a Flat Tire.” 

This would give you a good chance of ranking for the keyword “change flat tire,” as people often search for how-to guides when they have a problem they need to solve. So, if you want to boost your chances of being found online, remember to aim for questions when creating content.

Create the highest-quality content possible (a quality answer)

SEO is not a static process; it constantly evolves as search engines, like Google, update their algorithms. 

As a result, business owners and marketing professionals must stay up-to-date on the latest trends in SEO to ensure that their website remains visible in SERPs (search engine results pages). 

Optimize your content for the search engines. 

One of the most crucial aspects of SEO is creating quality content. This means writing answer-oriented articles that provide value to the reader. In addition, it is essential to use relevant keywords throughout the piece to signal to search engines what the article is about. 

By following these simple guidelines, businesses can help ensure that their content ranks highly in SERPs.

1. Have strong external links

One of the most important is the quality and quantity of your external links. Links from high-quality, authoritative sites will give your site a boost in search engine rankings

Conversely, links from low-quality or spammy sites will hurt your rankings. That’s why it’s so important to curate the list of places you link to carefully.

If you’re serious about improving your SEO, you need to pay close attention to your SERP ranking. By ensuring that your site is well-linked and highly visible on the SERP, you can drastically increase your traffic levels and reach your target audience.

2. Get strong social interaction.

Perhaps the most critical factor in SERP is social interaction. 

Search engines look at how often a site is shared on social media, and they give preference to sites with strong social interaction. So if you’re looking to improve your SEO, make sure you’re also doing everything you can to get strong social interaction. 

Some ways to do this include:

1. Building social media accounts for your business and promoting your content on those platforms
2. Encouraging customers and fans to share your content on their own social media pages
3. Participating in online forums and discussions related to your industry

By increasing your social interaction, you can boost your SEO and help your site rank higher in SERPs.

3. Using Heading / Paragraph combinations to structure the page

The layout of a SERP is designed to give the user the most relevant and valuable results for their query. The days of 10 blue links are now over – users now expect to see a mix of influences, including videos, maps, images, articles, and paid ads. 

This means that SEOs need to think beyond traditional ranking factors and consider how their content will appear in SERPs. 

For example, using structured data can help your content appear as a rich result, improving click-through rates. In addition, optimizing your title and meta tags for clickability can also help your content stand out on the SERP.

Understanding how SERPs work and what users are looking for can ensure that your content is designed for maximum impact.

HTML Lists and HTML Tables

HTML tables are a wonderful way to organize content on your website. You can use them to display structured data, making it easy for visitors to understand. 

You can also use tables to create visually appealing layouts, adding a touch of style to your site. However, tables should be used sparingly, as they can make your page less accessible to users using screen readers or other assistive technologies. 

When used correctly, HTML tables can be a powerful tool for organizing your content.

4. Inclusion of images and videos

Images and videos are a great way to add visual interest to your website. They can also help explain complex concepts and make your content more engaging. 

However, it’s essential to use images and videos responsibly, as they can also slow down your website and make it less accessible to users with slower internet connections. 

When used correctly, images and videos can be valuable to your content.


Google’s huge success is partly due to its focus on user intent. They try to give users the results they’re looking for, even if it means those results aren’t from the highest-ranking website. 

This focus on user intent has led to significant changes in how Google ranks websites. 

For example, the rise of featured snippets and rich results shows that Google is increasingly interested in giving users the information they need, even if it means sending them to a website that isn’t at the top of the SERP. 

Using Search Queries to Identify Meaning and Intent

As an SEO, it’s essential to understand user intent and how it can impact your ranking in SERPs. By understanding what potential audiences are looking for, you can ensure that your content is designed to meet their needs.

There are several ways to identify user intent, but one of the most effective is to use search queries. By analyzing the words and phrases that people use when they search, you can get a good idea of what they’re trying to accomplish.

For example, let’s say you’re a travel website. If you see a lot of queries that include the word “vacation,” you can assume that people are looking to take a trip. 

On the other hand, if you see a lot of queries that include the word “destination,” you can assume that people are looking for information about a specific place.

Identifying Search Intent Using the SERP and by the searcher

In today’s competitive digital landscape, it’s more important than ever to ensure your website is ranking highly on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

But what many businesses don’t realize is that achieving a high ranking isn’t just about using the right keywords; it’s also about understanding searcher intent.

Understanding intent can help you optimize your website for the right keywords and improve your ranking in SERPs. It can also help you construct better content that meets the needs of your audience.

Searcher intent refers to the goal or purpose of a particular search. When a person types a question or query into a search engine, they are looking for something specific, whether information, a product, or a service. 

As a business, if you can identify the searcher’s intent, you can optimize your website and content to better align with what they are looking for, increasing the chances that your site will appear in the SERPs.

There are four main types of searcher intent: navigational, informational, commercial, and transactional. 

1. Navigational intent is when somebody is looking for a specific website or page.
2. Informational intent is looking for information on a topic.
3. Commercial intent is considering making a purchase.
4. And transactional intent is when someone is ready to buy.

Types of Search Queries

There are various types of search queries, each with its own intent. 

Some of the most common include: 

Questions: these are typically informational queries that begin with who, what, where, when, or how. 

Prepositional: these are typically navigational queries that include words like near me, in, or on. 

Transactional: these are queries with the intent to buy and often include words like buy, purchase, or sale. 

Commercial: these are queries with the intent to research a product or service before making a purchase.

How to Identify the Mode and Location of Search

When trying to identify the mode and location of the search, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, consider the type of device the searcher is using. Is it a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone? This can give you a good idea of where the person is searching. 

They’re likely at home or work if they’re using a desktop. If they’re using a laptop, they could be anywhere. And if they’re using a tablet or phone, they’re likely on the go. 

Identify Intent via User Interviews

If you’re struggling to identify the intent behind a particular query, user interviews can be helpful. 

You can reach out to your target audience and ask them about their search habits. You can also use Google Ads to create a survey that will be shown to people who have searched for a specific keyword. 

These methods can give you worthwhile insights into why people are searching for certain things and how you can better optimize your website to meet their needs.

Algorithm Updates

In recent years, Google has made many algorithm updates that have significantly impacted how searcher intent is interpreted.  

The most notable of these is the Hummingbird update, designed to understand better the meaning of queries and the relationships between concepts. This update has made creating relevant, informative, and keyword-rich content more critical. 

The Google RankBrain algorithm is also designed to interpret searcher intent and deliver the most relevant results. Your content must be relevant to the searcher’s query to rank well.

Inputs & Outputs of Search Algorithms

The inputs to a search algorithm are the words or phrases that a user enters into a search engine. The output is the results that are returned to the user. 

For a search algorithm to work, it must understand the meaning of the input and match it to the most relevant results. To do this, algorithms use some factors, including: 

– The words or phrases that you entered into the search engine 

– The location of the searcher 

– The history of the searcher 

– The time of the search 

– The type of device the searcher is using 

No single factor is used to determine the output of a search algorithm. Instead, all of these factors are taken into account and weighted accordingly. 

The goal of a search algorithm is to provide the best possible results for a given query.

To do this, algorithms are constantly being updated and improved. As a result, what works today may not work tomorrow. 

This is why it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in SEO and make sure your site is continuously optimized for the latest algorithm updates.

Relevance & Ranking

Relevance is the degree to which a result matches a user’s query. The ranking is the process of sorting search results in order of relevance. Search engines use many aspects to determine the relevance of a piece of content to do this. 

These factors include: 

– The title of the piece 

– The metadata 

– The keywords used 

– The content itself 

– The links to the piece 

A relevance score is assigned to each piece of content based on the criteria mentioned above. The higher the relevance score, the more likely it will be shown in the search results. 

In addition to relevance, search engines also use other factors to determine the order in which results are shown. 

These factors include: 

– The quality of the content 

– The authority of the website 

– The freshness of the content 

– The number of backlinks 

By taking all of these factors into account, search engines can provide the most relevant and valuable results for a given query. 


A penalty is an adverse action taken by a search engine against a website that has violated the terms of service. Penalties can be applied manually or automatically. 

Manual penalties are usually the result of a human review of a website that has been flagged for spammy or low-quality content. 

Automatic penalties are usually the result of an algorithmic update designed to target websites that violate the terms of service. Penalties may have an influential effect on your website’s traffic and visibility. 

As such, it’s essential to avoid any practices that might trigger a penalty. Some practices that can result in a penalty include: 

– Keyword stuffing 

– Creating low-quality or duplicate content 

– Engaging in link buying or selling 

– Using private blog networks 

If you presume that your website has been penalized, it’s imperative to take action as soon as possible. The sooner you address the issue, the easier it will be to recover. 


A disavow is a file used to tell a search engine to ignore certain links so you can protect your website from certain bad links. Disavows are typically used when a website has been the victim of a link spam attack. 

Link spam is when someone attempts to artificially increase the number of links pointing to a website to improve its ranking. This is done by creating low-quality or duplicate content and posting it on other websites linked to the original site. 

Link spam can harm a website’s ranking and visibility. As such, it’s essential to use a disavow file to tell Google to ignore any spammy or low-quality links pointing to your site. 

To create a disavow file, you must submit a list of all the spammy or low-quality links pointing to your site. You can do this using the Google Search Console. Once you’ve created your disavow file, you need to upload it to the Google Search Console.  

It may take a little time for Google to process a disavow file. As such, it’s essential to be patient and give it some time to take effect. 

To have it removed, it may be necessary to contact the site’s webmaster where the spammy or low-quality content is posted. 

Nofollow Links

Link juice is the phrase used to describe a website’s power or authority. This power or authority is passed along to other websites through links. The more link juice a website has, the more authority it has. A nofollow link is a link that does not pass along any link juice. 

Final Thoughts

SERP and SEO placement are valuable elements in website growth. While many other elements go into website success, having your site as close to the top of the SERPs should be one of your main priorities. 

But this does not discount the fact that there are other factors you need to consider as well, like quality and legitimate methods of getting there, such as creating quality content every single time and backlinking to top-ranking websites in the same niche.