A Week in Social Media

As each social network keeps changing and evolves with new dimensions, a study on the top 100 US brands across sectors was conducted to see if there has been any fundamental shifts in the way brands are using Facebook Twitter & YouTube over the last two years.

Here are some key findings from the study:

  1. The frequency of posting content by Facebook admins remained virtually the same year on year.
  2. 2013 saw a growth rate on Twitter that was twice that of the previous year.
  3. Focus shifted to customer service in 2013. Brands replied to more tweets and the time taken to reply has halved.
  4. In 2013, brands on YouTube had almost four times the amount of subscribers they had a year ago.
  5. The length of YouTube videos became shorter by 1/3rd in 2013.



Source: www.unmetric.com

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