The Brands That Rule Twitter – And What You Can Learn From Them

A recent study shows that 99% of brands are on twitter!

Twitter is known as the site that started hash-tagging. Yes, it is Twitter, not Facebook or Google+ or any other sites.

Despite being a ground breaking platform, Twitter has a serious noise issue.  The life of a tweet is tiny, and there are over 650 million users tweeting all the time. With this massive number, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd and a tweet to get lost in the noise.

I’m sure you’ve all seen companies using hashtags, but have you ever wondered what companies or brands have successfully used Twitter to commercialize their products?  Who are the leaders in customer service?  In sales?  What about social commerce and fundraising?

Twitter, in its simplicity, has been maximized by these companies:
Which Brands Rule Twitter? - Via Who Is Hosting This: The Blog




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