How Do Millennials View Brands

To gain insight into how Millennials (18-33 years of age) view brands and their thoughts on brand loyalty, Adroit Digital conducted a study to ask Millennials how they think about brands compared to how their parents think about them, and how brands can gain their future loyalty.

Some key insights gained in the survey 73 percent of Millennials think they are making smarter brand choices than their parents because of their knowledge, familiarity and access to the digital world at large.

For brands prospecting new customers, TV and social media will pave the way with Millennials: 29 percent and 26 percent indicated TV and social media, respectively, as the media most likely to introduce them to a new product for trial.

60 percent said that social media advertising has the most influence over them in how they perceive a brand and a brand’s value. This compares with TV at 70 percent


Talkin' 'Bout My Generation


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