Social Media Trends

October 27, 2014 / by Dave Burnett

From small organizations to large companies, almost every business has a social media presence. They post to Twitter and Google+, share photos on Instagram and Pinterest, maintain their Facebook and LinkedIn pages, and upload videos onto Vine and YouTube. So how to deploy winning social media marketing campaigns? And...

Planning Social Media For 2015

October 26, 2014 / by Khalid Essam

Are you planning your social media marketing strategy for 2015? And wondering which social network is right for you? As the best SEO company Toronto has birthed, understanding “”where your audience is”” is a building block of social media strategy, that can decide whether your marketing efforts are going to...

Social Media: The Best Time to Post

October 22, 2014 / by Dave Burnett

  Social media is an important extension of your business. Whether you’re posting, pinning or tweeting, it’s important to consider when you’re doing it to better reach your audience. So to help you out here is an infographic offering some tips to help you determine the best and worst...

Bored With Social Media?

October 5, 2014 / by Marketing Team

Social network users are more active than ever – some 73% of online adults now use a social networking site of some kind. But new research also shows 61% strongly or somewhat dislike over-sharing on social media; other reports show signs of disinterest and boredom. According to a recent study,...

Double Your Pinterest Followers in 5 Minutes!

October 1, 2014 / by Marketing Team

With more than 70 Million monthly active users Pinterest is one of the most used social media sites on the globe, where 80 percent of Pins are reshared (Repin) proving that the social network can be a great tool for business marketers. Pinterest can be a fun and creative...