Brands Struggle to Measure ROI on Twitter

September 23, 2014 / by Marketing Team

Is Twitter an effective marketing tool for brands? What sorts of challenges are businesses facing on Twitter? According to a recent survey, 40 percent brands think Twitter as an effective marketing tool. Brands face a number of challenges using Twitter as a social media marketing tool, with measuring Return-on-Investment...

10 Reasons Why People Follow Brands on Twitter

September 17, 2014 / by Marketing Team

It’s no secret that a positive brand experience always builds a loyal fan-base. The majority of people who engage with a company on social media – whether by taking part in a contest or by following a brand on Twitter – tend to not only buy product, but also...

The Brands That Rule Twitter – And What You Can Learn From Them

August 10, 2014 / by Rehj

A recent study shows that 99% of brands are on twitter! Twitter is known as the site that started hash-tagging. Yes, it is Twitter, not Facebook or Google+ or any other sites. Despite being a ground breaking platform, Twitter has a serious noise issue.  The life of a tweet...

Using Snapchat for Brands

August 2, 2014 / by Rehj

Have you wondered how to leverage Snapchat to reach and market to younger audiences?  Can it even be done? Snapchat’s core audience is between 13 to 25 years old, and it’s estimated that 18% of all iPhone users use the app.  It’s a unique platform, and to learn more...

6 Ways To Help People Fall In Love With Your Brand

July 7, 2014 / by Marketing Team

With the online and offline marketplace so populated by exceptional marketing strategies, it all boils down to the conversion rate at the end of the day. Having page fans in millions isn’t going to take you far enough if they are only there because you share some awesomely interesting...