Success Using Social Media


Still not sure about using social media for your business? Social media is capable of a lot of things but it should not be used alone. Social media should be a part of a greater overall strategy.  If you are the kind of person who prefers to use flyers and posters for your advertising, this post is not going to discourage that. If you still believe that word of mouth is one of the best ways to advertise, we completely agree with you!

This post is about encouraging you to extend your advertising methods to include options you may not have tried before. It will not do you any harm to add social media in your advertising strategies. In fact, with social media, you have  wider audience.

If you happen to be a blogger or a good writer, you can sell your products in your blog or in your webpage. You can also use Facebook pages, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Instagram to promote your product. If you are going to look at the statistics, 42% of monthly referral traffic to e-commerce sites come from social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube in recent years and is rising.

One thing to keep in mind with social media is the frequency of your updates, and the fact that once you put it out there, there is no limit to how far it can go.  Your audience can like your post and at the same time, they can also share your post update to others expanding your reach. This is why it is important that you keep your page updated and if possible, create a status update on your pages everyday. This way, you are not only reaching people who are within your community, but people around the world.

More and more companies utilize social media because this is where the people are. Some started out as a simple page in Facebook, or a good Twitter profile, then expanded to more social media. The more social media channels you use, the more people you reach.


success in social media

by MDG Advertising

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