Pinterest Place Pins, Is Your Business On The Map?

In the ever changing world of attention grabbing, Pinterest is trying to make life easier by including extra details about a pin right on the pin itself!  They are calling these pins Pinterest Place Pins.

Now this is great news for people on the go, attempting to find that item they were looking at online.

Pinterest Places Map

Pinterest Places Partners

In advance of the launch, Pinterest partnered with a group of businesses that will automatically include location info on their Pins.  More well know destination type sites such as, and UrbanSpoon, but lots of others are adding the functionality daily.

Targeting Travelers

In an effort to target travelers and make Pinterest more relevant to every day life.  This follows previous attempts to make pins more actionable in real life.  Previous efforts include Product, Article, Movie and Recipe Pins.

What does this mean for Marketers?

Every day people Pin about 1.5 million places, and there are more than 750 million Pins of these destinations on Pinterest.  Like Google Local, Pinterest is attempting to capitalize on people’s need for relevant location based information when they are on the go.

If your business needs to attract local or customers who are in proximity to you, such as retail outlets, restaurants or other service providers, Pinterest enables you to shine a light on your business in a whole new way.

Promoted Pins

This also allows for better targeting with Promoted Pins.  In October, Pinterest announced they are testing Promoted Pins:

Promoted PinPromoted pins are paid pins with targeted information in them from advertisers.  They work just like regular pins, only they have a special “promoted” label, along with a link to learn more about what that means.   “Promoting” is a common way the social outlets are allowing advertisers to get noticed, so it will only be a matter of time until Pinterest gets everything straightened out and launches site-wide.

Should be interesting.

Happy Marketing!

Dave Burnett

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