Understanding NoFollow vs. Follow Links: Essential SEO Practices for Better Online Visibility

NoFollow vs. Follow Links

When delving into the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), one will inevitably come across the concepts of ‘nofollow’ and ‘follow’ links. These terms are central to link-building strategies, a critical component of SEO. They play a significant role in steering website traffic and enhancing a site’s authority, which, in turn, affect search engine rankings. In simple terms, ‘nofollow’ and ‘follow’ are directives given to search engines concerning how they should treat links on a webpage. To grasp these concepts thoroughly, it is important to understand their implications, differences, and best practices for employing them effectively as part of your SEO campaign.

What are Follow Links?

Let’s begin by discussing follow links, which are sometimes referred to as “dofollow” links—though “dofollow” is not an actual term recognized by search engines. Follow links are the most common type of link on the internet. They do not contain any special attributes that instruct search engine bots on how to treat them. Therefore, they are automatically followed by search engine crawlers.

The chief purpose of follow links is to connect one web page to another, enabling users and search engine bots to navigate between sites. When a website receives a follow link from another site, it is seen as a ‘vote of confidence’ in the content’s quality. This vote can enhance the website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What are NoFollow Links?

On the other hand, nofollow links contain the ‘rel=”nofollow”‘ attribute in the HTML code of the link, instructing search engines that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link’s target in the search engine’s index. Essentially, nofollow links tell search engine bots not to ‘pass on’ any link equity (or ‘link juice’) to the linked website.

Introduced in 2005 by Google, the purpose of the nofollow attribute was to combat spam and manipulate the ranking system. The use of nofollow is a way for webmasters to say to search engines, “We’re linking to this content, but we don’t want to ‘endorse’ it with our own credibility.”

Impact of NoFollow and Follow Links on SEO

The use of follow and nofollow links directly impacts a website’s SEO performance. Follow links can significantly boost a website’s authority, improve its ranking, and direct more traffic to the site. On the other hand, nofollow links have traditionally been viewed as less valuable for SEO since they do not pass any ranking power, although they can still generate traffic and aid in brand exposure.

Despite the traditional view on nofollow links, the narrative around their value has evolved. In 2019, Google announced changes to how it views nofollow, introducing it as a “hint” rather than a strict directive, meaning Google can choose to ignore the nofollow attribute and still pass on ranking power in some cases. Additionally, Google introduced two new link attributes—‘sponsored’ to identify links created as part of advertisements, sponsorships, or other compensation agreements, and ‘ugc’ to flag user-generated content such as comments and forum posts.

Differences Between NoFollow and Follow Links

Understanding the key differences between nofollow and follow links can help webmasters and SEO professionals when crafting their link-building strategies. Here are the main distinctions:

  • Link Equity Pass-Through: Follow links can pass link equity (aka link juice), bolstering the receiving site’s relevance and authority, thus aiding in its SERP ranking. Nofollow links do not pass this link equity under normal circumstances.
  • SEO Value: Follow links are highly valuable for SEO as they contribute directly to a page’s ability to rank higher. Nofollow links were previously considered to have little to no SEO value; however, with Google’s recent updates, they may also potentially carry weight.
  • Usage: Follow links are typically used when linking to reliable sources, while nofollow links are often used when referencing an untrusted source, or in user-generated content, like blog comments, or when linking as part of paid agreements.

Best Practices for Using NoFollow and Follow Links

When employing follow and nofollow links in your SEO strategy, it’s crucial to understand best practices. Here’s a rundown to help guide you:

  • Measure and Balance: Maintain a natural and balanced profile of follow and nofollow links. Too many follow links can appear manipulative, while too many nofollow links could mean missed opportunities for enhancing authority.
  • Use NoFollow Judiciously: Keep a judicious approach when using nofollow links—use them when linking out to less reputable or unrelated sites, in paid endorsements, or when required by law (such as with sponsored content).
  • Anchor Text Relevance: Whether using nofollow or follow links, ensure the anchor text is relevant to the linked page. Irrelevant anchor text can be misleading and harmful to user experience and SEO.
  • Value User Experience: Link in a way that enhances value for the user, regardless of SEO implications. Useful and relevant links, follow or nofollow, can improve user trust and satisfaction, potentially translating into other SEO benefits.

NoFollow and Follow Links in Link-Building Strategies

Link-building is an influential aspect of SEO strategy, and knowing how to incorporate both nofollow and follow links can render your efforts more effective. A diversified link profile is crucial; it should include high-quality follow-backlinks from authoritative sources mixed with nofollow links where appropriate. Moreover, relationships with other publishers, marketers, or website owners can greatly facilitate link exchange, whether for follow or nofollow links, enhancing your online visibility overall.


In the evolving world of SEO, understanding the nuances of nofollow versus follow links is critical for optimizing your website for better online visibility. Follow links are clearly beneficial for passing on link equity and boosting your site’s authority, while nofollow links still play an essential role in safeguarding the integrity of your site and serving specific SEO purposes.

It is important to remember that SEO best practices are constantly evolving, and keeping abreast of the latest updates from search engines like Google is vital to adjusting your strategies effectively. In the end, a nuanced and informed approach to using nofollow and follow links will serve your website’s performance best, ensuring that it garners the credibility and visibility it deserves.

Focus on creating high-quality content that naturally attracts follow links, while using nofollow links to avoid passing on authority to unreliable sites or to adhere to legal disclosure requirements. Maintain a balanced link profile, stay updated with search engine guidelines, and always prioritize providing value to your users. By understanding and implementing these essential SEO practices, you can significantly enhance your website’s online presence.

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