How To Set Up Your Pinterest Page For Business

With Pinterest driving more traffic every day, especially with women, it’s about time you get your Pinterest page for your business up and running.

Pinterest For Business

Go to

Once you are at the homepage – click on the ‘Join as a Business’ button in the middle of the page.

Join Pinterest for Business


You will be taken to the Create a Business Account Page.  If you already have a Pinterest account you have been using for business, you can convert it at this step as well.

Pinterest - Create Business Account


Now to select the most appropriate type of business for you:

Pinterest - Choose Business Type


You will next have to add a user and applicable email address to access the account.  Fill out the profile info in full, selecting a relevant Username and Description, with the description being limited to less than 200 characters.


Pinterest - Profile Info


Then accept the terms, and click on ‘Create Account’ at the bottom.

Pinterest - Create Account

Pinterest will send you a confirmation email – to confirm you are not a spammer.

Pinterest - Confirmation email


And that’s it!  Seriously, doesn’t get much easier.

Happy Marketing!

Dave Burnett

Click Here to Connect with Dave on Google+:


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