How To Set Up a Facebook Business Page

You know how important Facebook is.  Whether you run a B2B business or a B2C business, you should have a Facebook business page for your fans.  In this post

#1 – Sign up for Facebook.

Open up the Facebook for Business Page:

Facebook for Business

Sign into Facebook.  If you don’t have a Facebook account, sign up.

#2 – Create a Page

In the top right corner, there is a ‘Create Page’ button.  Click on it:
Facebook Create a Page

#4 – Select Your Type of Page

Choose a category and a Page name that represents your business.

You will have a choice of 6 categories.  You can choose
  1. Local Business or Place
  2. Company, Organization or Institution
  3. Brand or Product
  4. Artist, Band or Public Figure
  5. Entertainment
  6. Cause or Community

Choose the one most appropriate to you.  This post with follow the ‘Company, Organization or Institution’ track, but the others are similar in implementation:

Facebook Select Type of Page
Once you have selected the appropriate category, you will be asked to enter your type of organization and the organization name:
Facebook - Select Company type and nameThen click on the ‘Get Started’ button.
Now you will be asked to set up your page:
Facebook - Set up Page
Fill out as much information as possible – adding links to all your other social media pages.

5 – Add a Profile Picture

Pick a logo or another image that people associate with your business to use as a profile picture.

Facebook - Add a profile picture
Then add the page to favorites.  It will show up on the left side bar when you log into Facebook.  This just makes it easier to access.
Facebook - Add page to favorites
You will then be taken right to the ‘Promote your page’ ads builder.  You can do this if you want, but it’s better to have some history and posts in your timeline first.
Facebook - Promote your page
I would just click ‘Skip’ at the bottom for now.

You’re almost done!

You just have to add a cover photo, and you can customize the page later on.  In the middle of the admin page, on the right side there is a ‘add cover photo’
Facebook Page Admin Page
Add a cover
Choose a cover photo that represents your brand and showcases your product or service. It’s the first thing people will see when they visit your Page.  Bright color, visually appealing graphics are a great place to start.
Choose Your Cover
You can choose from existing photos, or upload a photo:
Choose Cover
And now you’re done!

One last thing to keep in mind:

You will now be logged in as ‘Your Page’.   You are now posting, commenting, and liking as the page you just set up.  You can change back to your personal profile to post / like / comment if you prefer.

Posting as AOK Marketing

Happy Marketing!

Dave Burnett

Click Here to Connect with Dave on Google+:

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