Don’t Suck At Developing Visual Content

developing visual content


If you want to improve your skills at developing visual content, or written content, you may want to get familiar with slide decks.  When they are done the right way, you can create compelling marketing material and your audience will not even realize how much information they have taken in.  You can take this knowledge and apply it to your website to get results.

You also do not have to be an expert, or an award-winning designer to make your very own.  All you need are the right tools, a little creativity, and you can produce a slide deck that looks good and gives out useful information.  With that being said, not all slides are good ones.  There are plenty that are not worth using.  We have scoured the market and found the best of the bunch.  These slide shows are made by various business experts and can give you the insight you need to take your business to the next level.  Here they are.

Doing Content Marketing In Boring Industries

There may be no tougher task in marketing than developing content for an industry that lacks in sex appeal, and people consider boring.  You nay even feel jealous of those who get to promote in industries considered fun.  You need to check out slides from Ross Hudgens.  He is the founder of Siege Media, and in his 2013 Moz webinar he shows how to create content that people want to see and will absorb, no matter the topic.

Questions That Will Lead To A Social Media Strategy

Mark Schafer has developed a series of six questions in a slide series that will help you decide what the right social media strategy is for your business.  His slide show will help you to establish whether or not social media is right for marketing your products.  You will also find a voice for your brand, and where your customers are at.  Last but not least, you will learn how to measure success, or lack of it.  You can reach him on Twitter at @markwschaefer.

The Marketing Society of 2015

The slide show Digital, Social, and Mobile in 2015 from the Marketing Society is another that can help you in understanding the role and use of social media around the globe.  This is some very important information you need to know about.  You can learn how people use social media in your area, and how people overseas use it, vital information if you are formulating a campaign for those overseas.

Expert Tips For Getting Started On Social Media

Another set of slides that is worth a look is 50 Expert Tips for Getting Started on Social Media from Constant Contact.  If you are looking to get your business started on social media, you need to see this.  This slide polls 50 social media experts, and asks them to give novices a one sentence answer on how to start out using social media.

All 50 have very valuable tips, and several you take action on.

A Look At The “What If Technique”

Is your business being held back by fear?  The experts at Motivated Design have developed a slide series that will demonstrate how disruptive thinking can help you to enact big changes and start real growth from within.  This is a very clever and smart slide series, and you will most likely walk away from it wondering just why you did not think of this stuff yourself.

Building An Audience That Takes Action

It does you no good if you have website visitors that only window shop.  You need visitors who buy your products and pass on the good news to all of their friends and family.  The Secrets to Building an Actionable Audience from Mark Schaefer takes on this subject in a short and to the point slide series.

Tips on Building A Brand

Are you starting from scratch in building a brand?  Perhaps you are wondering why your branding efforts have fallen short of success?  The Brand Gap from cool stuff is one slide series you need to see if either of these applies to your business.

This slide series will talk you through all of the basics you need to know to establish and execute a strategy of effective brand building.  You will not learn everything you need to know here, but it is an excellent place to get a start.

How To Get Into Marketing

If you are considering a career in marketing, you can learn what you need to know from this slide series, How To (Really) Get Into Marketing from Ed Fry.  You will learn all of the basics including what marketing is, the number of roles you can play in a marketing team, and how to market yourself.  This is a must for new college graduates.

A Look At Some Amazing Marketing Campaigns

Over the years there have been some epic marketing campaigns, so this is a subjective list at best.  Regardless, the slide show The Top 10 Most Remarkable Marketing Campaigns Ever by Hubspot is worth a look.  These landmark campaigns will inspire you and educate you at the same time.  You may find some points here that you can apply to your own marketing efforts.

What Would Steve Jobs Do?

The slide show What Would Steve Do?  10 Lessons From World’s Most Captivating Presenters from Hubspot looks at the wit and business wisdom of the former head of Apple, and several other lessons from some of the world’s best minds.  This slide series will teach you how to keep an audience riveted during a presentation, and you can learn some great business practices as well.

Meet Generation Z

This is a must-see slide series for those marketing to people in their early 20’s and younger.  Meet Generation Z: Forget Everything You Learned About Millennials will teach you about today’s tech-savvy young people, and what it takes to get their business.  Their unique concerns and needs are addressed, and the information you need to connect with today’s digital generation is all here.

Instagram Marketing Guide

Instagram is another social media site that is growing fast, with plenty of opportunity for those who want to use it to market products and services.  The 2015 Instagram Marketing Guide from Ross Simmonds tells you how to promote your brand through the art of photography.

Here you will learn how to get the most out of an Instagram account.  You can see examples from brands that are taking full advantage of Instagram now.  If you are considering using this platform for a marketing campaign, you’ll gain some key insights here.

No Brand Is Your Friend

This slide series, No Brand Is Your Friend from Michael Paredrakos is a very beautiful look into the separation of the customer from your brand.  There are many valuable lessons to be learned here, including how to tap into the needs of your customer to be the brand they trust.  You will learn about their “real” needs, and not the ones you think they should have.

How To Really Suck At Marketing

A candid look at what not to do, How To Suck At Marketing from Hubspot will help you spot what it is you are doing wrong.  The first step in becoming a master marketer is learning what you should not be doing, and you will gain some valuable insights in this eye-opening slide series.

The Secret Of Why Visual Content Works

If you are a fan of The Simpsons, you do not want to miss this slide series, Why Visual Content Works from Matt Siltala.  This slide series will show you how very effective visual content is, and how to make the most of it.  This is a very charming and entertaining piece,and you’ll want to watch it more than once.

The Art Of Visual Content

Another excellent slide series on the power of visual content, The Art of Visual Content and the Science That Makes It Work explores just why it is visual content works so well.  This slide series will help you to know if your marketing ideas are feasible.  Guidelines that are proven to work are given for designing effective visuals, and you can see many examples of visual content that went viral on the web.

The 7th Era Of Marketing

Experiences: The Seventh Era Of Marketing from Robert Rose may change the way you think about digital strategy.  This interesting slide shows explores how quickly marketing has and is evolving, and what you need to do to keep pace in this fast-moving day and age.  You will find out just how vitally important it is to adapt to the changing needs of your audience.

What It Takes To Become A World-Class Web Copywriter

DigitalRelevance’s How to Become a World-Class Web Copywriter will give you the skills to create killer web copy that will keep your audience coming back for more.  The focus in this slide series is how to get customers that will convert, and tell their friends and family about your products.

It will show you what not to do by helping you to spot bad web copy, and replace it with persuasive copy that will get you the results you are seeking.

How To Write, Test, and Optimize AdWords Copy

Everyone knows Google AdWords are an excellent way to get traffic to your website in a hurry.  Crealytic’s How to Write, Test, and Optimise Effective AdWords Ad Copies will show you how to do it right the first time, and every time.  Many people have trouble with pay-per-click ads (PPC) and here, you can learn marketing strategies that can be sustained for the long term.

You will also see fast results, and learn how to increase your return on investment using PPC to maximizing your ads, and giving them the focus that will reel in your target audience, and convince them to convert.

Using Psychology To Boost Your Marketing Campaign

Marketing is really all about tapping into the desires and the needs of your target audience.  You may not have thought about it, but it is all about understanding the psychology of your targeted market, and giving them a message they can relate to and respond to.

This slide series will help you to do just that, and teach you how to apply proven principles of psychology directly into your marketing campaign to get the results you need.

An Intro To Podcasting

Hubspot’s An Introduction to Podcasting can teach you all you need to know about slide decks.  The one thing you may be very surprised to learn is that is is easier than you might have thought.  You will learn why podcasting is one of the most effective marketing tools out there today.  You will find out who is listening to these podcasts, and what you need to do to make your very first podcast.  Once you have made your first, you will learn how to market it to the masses.  This is one of the best slide series on this subject you will find, and it is well worth your time to take a look at what the experts at HubSpot have to say about the subject.

With this incredible wealth of expert knowledge in creating visual and written content, you have all that you need to make your website one that gets visitors, and converts them once they have arrived.

Whether you are using PPC, SEO, or a visual campaign on Instagram, you can use this knowledge to your advantage, and have something your competition may not.  This is the key in staying on top in this super-competitive global marketplace that is evolving quickly.  Once have mastered some of the techniques here, you will be ready for the world and a lot more.

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