Maximizing eCommerce From Social Media

August 1, 2014 / by Rehj

Who are the big revenue generators in social media?  I bet you can guess.  In 2013, 75 percent of social media originating e-commerce sales came from Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. One thing to bear in mind even if the originating purchase didn’t come directly from social media, 74 percent of people...

Using Social Media to Get a Job

July 31, 2014 / by Rehj

Do you know that 94% of the top recruiters source potential candidates by surfing through their social media profiles? In order to attract potential employers, use your creativity in filling your profiles perfectly that inspires the recruiters to take a look at your resume. Optimize your social media profiles...

How to Triple Your Google Plus Engagement

July 30, 2014 / by Rehj

Google Plus is one of the most effective marketing strategies to improve your online presence. Why? You can post everything about your products or services on your Google Plus page and promote it in groups and through other media channels. Given the popularity of Google, uploading new and unique...

Importance of Social Learning

July 29, 2014 / by Rehj

Employers nowadays are struggling to keep their employees engaged. It is an even greater challenge to engage millennial employees. Why? Millennial employees are the ones who are very fluent in digital media and while some employers view that as a distraction, they are also just as committed to keep...

How important is Content Marketing?

/ by Rehj

Content Marketing – Every marketer is talking about it.  But how important is content marketing?  What is it and is it actually effective?  Beyond that, what are some of the strategies used? A quick example.  Are you an online shopper? Or, are your preferences on what you should buy...