Statistics On Mobile Internet Usage

August 17, 2014 / by Rehj

Do you think you could survive a day without the internet?  What about a week?  A month?  The internet has changed our day-to-day lives, and there are now more mobile devices then there are humans to use them. It’s interesting to see that with the rise of smartphones, the...

How To Keep Your Followers on Twitter

August 15, 2014 / by Rehj

It turns out the most common reason people will ‘unfollow’ you is you’re too ‘noisy’.  Tweeting all the time, about every little thing can drive people away. Are you attracting as many followers as you can to promote your business? Are followers leaving as fast as they are arriving?...

Email Marketing vs Social Media

August 14, 2014 / by Rehj

Each and every day, the effectiveness of email marketing is being compared to the effectiveness of social media. Wouldn’t it be the most effective if you combine both strategies, instead of comparing one to the other? To compare or to combine, that is the question. In this infographic, you...

The History of WhatsApp

August 13, 2014 / by Rehj

Have you heard of WhatsApp?  Imagine a social media company that has a mandate for no ads, no gimmicks, and no games.  This is all part of the interesting history of WhatsApp. It’s even more interesting that WhatsApp can be defined today using four numbers – 450, 32, 1,...

Social Posts Can Increase Your Internet Traffic To Your Company Pages

August 12, 2014 / by Rehj

Are you looking to improve the social media presence for your company?  What are the crucial things that you should do? 1. Make sure that you post regular updates Posting updates makes your audience and potential customers that your page is not dead. Regularly posting your updates can also reassure...