Is Google going after Yelp? Announcing Reviews in Google Places for Business

Google Places for Business just launched Reviews, which allows businesses to see customer ratings and reviews — from Google and other review sites around the web.  These reviews will be displayed in a simple reviews inbox in their Places for Business dashboard.

The good news: Businesses can also now easily engage with their customers by responding directly to their comments in Reviews.  The bad news: All your reviews will soon be found in one place – your Google Places page.

Google Reviews for Business


Google Places dates back to the days when Google didn’t have their own information developed about businesses, and were dependent on the Yellow Pages for their listings.  They launced places to get this listing information.  They have since surpassed Yellow Pages with their focus on Local search and custom search results, but the latest iteration appears to be attempting to consolidate multiple online reviews in one place.

Reviews From Google Users

The key is your Google Places listing must be verified, by phone or by mailed card with a pin on it.  More recent verified listings are more highly trusted as there were many ways that spammers could verify listings in the past to tweak their SEO results.

While these types of reviews are mostly targeted towards B2C (business to consumer) services businesses like restaurants, entertainment and shopping, the longer term impact on B2B (business to business) companies will be just as relevant.

Customers can simply post reviews on your Google+ page, and you can respond through the Places for Business interface where there is now a reviews tab in your dashboard.

Is your listing up to date and verified on Google Places for Business?

Happy Marketing!

Dave Burnett
Click Here to Connect with Dave on Google+:

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