The average Internet user spends around two hours a day on social media – yet we hardly spend an hour each day on eating. However social media shouldn’t be seen as mundane or a chore for your company. The channel is an opportunity in itself – by leveraging the many and ever increasing possibilities for using social media effectively you can generate value and even profitability. Not convinced? Then take a look at this infographic.
Some key stats:
74 percent consumers rely on social networking sites to influence their purchasing decisions.
71 percent consumers that receive a quick response on social media are likely to recommend that brand to others.”
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Marketing Team
The AOK Marketing Team is a diverse group of amazing individuals driven to help all of our clients succeed. Great people are everywhere, and we believe that people should control their workday, their work environment, and where they live. We have team members in 9 countries: United States, Canada, Egypt, Belgium, Ireland, Australia, India, Pakistan, and Hong Kong.
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