Quite often troubleshooting Google penalties seems a complicated process which only experienced webmasters are able to handle. We wanted to simplify people’s life and show an easy path to return valuable traffic to the site.
Since visual is the best way to perceive the information, we’ve created an infographic that breaks down the whole process into chain of logical steps on your way to getting site rankings back.
In below visual you will find:
- How to easily determine what penalty has hit you
- What kind of links to look at first of all and what actions to take to return Google’s favor.
Actually, it takes you more time to read this description!
Go ahead and check the infographic to get the hang of the process in 5 minutes!”
Source: www.promodo.com
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Marketing Team
The AOK Marketing Team is a diverse group of amazing individuals driven to help all of our clients succeed. Great people are everywhere, and we believe that people should control their workday, their work environment, and where they live. We have team members in 9 countries: United States, Canada, Egypt, Belgium, Ireland, Australia, India, Pakistan, and Hong Kong.
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