Twitter Etiquette

The Dos and Don’ts of Twitter Etiquette


  1. Use compelling titles when connecting to content
  2. Use hashtags sparingly (3 max per tweet)
  3. Keep finding new profiles to follow
  4. Give credit when retweeting or sharing someone else’s content
  5. Respond to your followers
  6. Encourage discussion
  7. Give thanks or favorite posts when they are retweeted
  8. Be concise
  9. Make lists
  10. Use direct messages
  11. Use humor when appropriate
  12. Shorten links
  13. Add videos or images
  14. Always add value
  15. Ask for Retweets
  16. Use correct grammar, spelling and English
  17. Share regional news



  1. Be negative
  2. Auto direct message
  3. Over-Automate
  4. Ignore those who follow or tweet about you
  5. Tweet about everything
  6. Engage in arguments

Twitter etiquette

