7 Ways to Sabotage Your Mobile Email Campaign [INFOGRAPHIC]

The mobile web is booming!  Don’t believe it? Here are just a few of the more impressive stats: 56 percent of people own a smartphone. And 50 percent of all cell phone users say it’s their primary way to access the internet. 10 percent of all web traffic was mobile-based in 2012. And 2013 saw that number double to over 20 percent. Almost 26 percent of emails are opened on smartphones. And another 10 percent are opened on tablets.

What this means is that the world is becoming increasingly mobile and it’s doing it fast. If you want to reach someone, you’d better have a plan in place to do so via their mobile device of choice – or, frequently, devices of choice.

7 Ways to Sabotage Your Mobile Email Campaign


Source: http://www.reachmail.net/


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