Content creation is on the rise.
With nearly 5 in every 10 companies now having content marketing strategies and costing 62 percent less than traditional outbound marketing, creating original content can be a lot to take on but totally worth it. A solid plan, creative team and good knowledge of your industry can be a fun and rewarding way to create successful content.
Take a look at the infographic below that will inspire you to take your own content marketing efforts to a whole new level by following some tried and true process!
Infographic by Vertical Measures
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Marketing Team
The AOK Marketing Team is a diverse group of amazing individuals driven to help all of our clients succeed. Great people are everywhere, and we believe that people should control their workday, their work environment, and where they live. We have team members in 9 countries: United States, Canada, Egypt, Belgium, Ireland, Australia, India, Pakistan, and Hong Kong.
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