30+ Stats About How Social Media Influences Purchasing Decisions

Let’s pretend it’s Thanksgiving.  Shortly after we Instagram pictures of our turkey dinners, we’ll be watching our Facebook News Feed fill to the brim with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday content. Social media is an ideal platform for brands to share their retail stories any time of the year and, with the holidays approaching, they’re on hyper drive.

The reason? Social media influences purchasing decisions.

If you need to prove this point to your boss, upper management, customers or even your mother, here are 30+ stats on the subject. Feel free to share them at the dinner table tomorrow.

Some notable stats:

  • 4 in 10 Social Media users have purchased an item online or in-store after sharing it or marking it as a Favorite on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.
  • 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals.

How Social Media Influences Purchasing Decisions

Source:  http://www.invespsoft.com/blog/ecommerce/social-media-influences-purchase-decisions.html

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