10 Reasons Why People Follow Brands on Twitter

It’s no secret that a positive brand experience always builds a loyal fan-base. The majority of people who engage with a company on social media – whether by taking part in a contest or by following a brand on Twitter – tend to not only buy product, but also make recommendations to their friends and followers.

A new study by Nielsen reveals that 55 percent of UK Twitter users follow a brand just because they like it, while 52 percent follow a brand to be notified of special offers, and nearly 5 in 10 for staying up to date with brand-related news.

Twitter has also proved to be a good place for consuming interesting content, and therefore 34 percent users choose to follow companies on Twitter.

Take a look at this infographic by Twitter UK blog to find out more reasons why do tweeters follow brands.


Reasons Why People Follow Brands on Twitter

Source: www.twitter.com

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