Why They Matter: Understanding the Value of a Website Audit



When it comes to running a website, there are several things to consider if you want that page to be successful. Whether a page is for business and commerce or not, the administration of said page is inherently tied to the functioning of a business like environment. For example, you want to review the page to ensure that the quality of content and user experience is on par for your particular goals. You want to make sure that everything is functioning properly and that all of your features are being met with workable and easy to use accessibility options.

But, knowing that this is what you need to have in a website and actually accomplishing it are two very different things. Further, these reviews need to occur often and not simply when a new website is launched. Those that have experience in this arena may want to do this type of check on their own. For many others, though, having a third party perform a website audit is not only valuable but is time saving and efficient in ways that their internal structure could not handle.

A website audit is a vital tool but it is likely that unless you are in the tech industry, you are unfamiliar with this terminology and all that it entails. For that reason, the following delves deeper into what is involved in this type of check and what can be expected from it. First, though, this analysis will begin with a definition of the general overview of just what a website audit is.

What Is A Website Audit?

Chances are that you have heard the term audit in some form or another related to financials. If you are a business person or someone in that industry, these can be terrifying ordeals where an outside party comes and reviews your paperwork and other records. They will look for mistakes and strengths in your business and tell you where you are going wrong and where you are going right. These are done by third parties that are well versed in the area and that are looking for mistakes and suggestions.

But, not all audits are this intense nor are they this fear-inducing, at least they should not be. In its basic definition, according to the Webster’s dictionary, an audit is ”an official inspection of an individual’s or organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body.” That means that it is a review and nothing more or less.

A website audit falls within the less fearful category of technological necessities. Individuals that participate in this type of audit are essentially asking for an inspection of their page. This can involve several different tests and activities that help to better define the parameters of the business as well as its failures and successes. The result is a better understanding of what is working and what is not as a way to fix these issues in the future. The following defines more regarding these steps and what to expect.

What Is Involved?

A website audit does not just look at one feature or faction of a page. On the contrary, it reviews several different aspects as a way to create a complete picture, the parameters of which you should define on your own. These can be customized to the business’s or individual’s desire. However, there are common factors that are typically included in each website audit.

1. Page Navigation

One of the reviews in your website audit will be the page navigation abilities. This includes the assessment of how easy it is for someone to go onto your page and navigate through it. What is the ease of use and how easily can individuals visiting find what they need? This is an essential part of any webpage that wants traffic numbers to increase because a hard to navigate page is likely to turn business away and may provide a negative reputation. On the other hand, an easy to navigate page is likely to see returned viewers and more traffic.

2. Mobile Capacity

In today’s world, people are no longer accessing the internet through their computers alone. There are several different devices that can reach the World Wide Web. That means that anyone could potentially reach your internet space through these different technologies.

When it comes to accessing the internet, however, especially with smartphones and other mobile devices, the page will not always look the same. What is seen on the computer, for example, may look totally different on a phone. Therefore, your page needs to be able to adjust in the capacity that you want and that is needed so that no features will be lost in translation. A successful website audit will review and take this into account when reviewing your page.

3. Tracking

Tracking your traffic is an important part of running and administering a page. Firstly, it tells you how many individuals have actually come to your site during a given time frame. Further, it lets this information be turned into other useful bits of data as well such as the conversion rate or the click rate success. But, if you are not tracking this, then, there is no way to get that information successfully and with certainty. If your website does not have a tracking feature or if you are unsure of the answer to this question, then, a website audit would tell you.

4. Update Success

Websites should never be seen as stagnant entities that are thrown out there for the world to absorb and never touched again. On the contrary, they need to move ahead with the times and be responsive to the environment around them, including the changes in technologies. This requires updating on your part or on the web administrators.

If you are not updating or are unsure of how often you update, a thorough website audit will explain that aspect. They will look at what your webpage is doing in relation to updates and what your page needs to do to update in the future. Further, it will analyze the regularity with which you update as well as the ease of updating your page. These are important features and should be looked at in a thorough review of your page.

5. Competition

You are not functioning in a vacuum. Your page is one of many out there in the universe. Chances are that you are that you have competitors directly in that market space, especially if you are in a business or e-commerce driven market. If you do not know what they are doing, you should be aware of it and a website audit should tell you this.

You need to see where your webpage stacks in the long list of competitors. To know what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong will help you to reestablish your game plan. After all, ultimately you are all striving to receive the same traffic to your site. This can be highly competitive and you need to have your best foot forward. Therefore, analyzing your website through an audit in comparison with other websites can be very helpful.

What Types of Websites Need and Audit?

In truth, there is no website that should not participate in a temporary website audit. The value that it brings is immense. There is no reason that an individual page and business pages cannot benefit from a thorough analysis of their page or pages. It is best for those that want to improve their traffic and their overall online presence. Therefore, no page is immune from the necessities of a website audit.

How It Helps

You may be wondering why you would invest the time and money into a website audit, which is a valuable question to ask. This becomes especially important if you are watching your bottom line or your profit margins closely. The truth is, though, that the value that can be brought through this type of audit is immeasurable.

1. Where Are You Right

When it comes to an audit, you may be fearful that you are going to only hear how things are going wrong. That is not the case. You will also hear about where your website is going right. What are the features that your consumer’s love? What are the things that are working? What do you gain from functioning your business and page as you currently have it? These are all valuable insights and highlight the successes of the page as you currently have it.

2. Where Are You Going Wrong?

Unfortunately and fortunately simultaneously, a complete and thorough website audit will also show you where you are going wrong on your page. This is not something that can be avoided nor should you want it to be. A page is going to make mistakes along its journey toward success. To avoid acknowledging said mistakes or avoiding learning about what isn’t working is to keep the status quo. You do not want that in your business, in your life, or on your webpage. So, you should look at the negatives as waiting to be turned into positives.

3. Unbiasedness

When it comes to administering your own webpage or even designing it from a distance, there is an investment that you have made. That investment is important to you and your success and should not be negated in any way. However, it can create a sense of biasedness. You are not going to ever be able to look at a page that you have created without an outlook that is somewhat biased. That is natural and that is not a bad thing because it shows that you care and that you are interested in what is going on. You cared when you created it and you still care today.

But, this unbiasedness is not good at all times. That is why a third party provider of a website audit is so important. It allows you to take the backseat and see the page through someone else’s eyes. A website audit is not meant to shame or to cause friction. It is meant to create an outlook for your page that actually realizes your vision through suggestions. This third party provider will guide you toward success if you allow them to do so and if you take their feedback. They are only meant to help and that is something that can combat a biased view of a page.

Where to Turn

Now that you know the importance of a website audit, you may be asking where to find a qualified group or team to take on this task. There are several different sites available, but there are certain features that are a must in choosing from among them.

First, they need to realize your vision and not someone else’s. You are not a one-size-fits-all entity and you need a provider that recognizes this. To try and fit into someone else’s mold is to look at the wrong competitor’s and attempt to take on a role that you don’t want for your page. Be sure that your third party provider knows and recognizes this.

You will also want a website audit that provides suggestions more than provides statistics. You are not looking for goals to achieve on your own but a real and developed plan. Not all website audit companies will provide this so be sure that you take the time to find a company that does. This will make the investment well worth it and create a return that is second to none.

You will also want to choose a website audit company that is responsive and keeps a continued relationship with you. You want to make sure that you get the feedback in a way that creates longevity not a static one time relationship. You will need audits regularly and a qualified and competent agency will understand this and can provide long-term projections. Find a company willing and well versed in this way and you will assuredly get more than just a website audit. You will gain a partner for success.

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