You’re always looking for new techniques to grow your company as a business owner or marketer. And as you know, online advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach your target market and improve conversions. One type of online advertising you may not be familiar with is...
WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAVE 50%? Last week I had a revelation. When looking at cost per conversion for one of our clients, Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) was WAY cheaper than Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords). They were getting a 50% cost savings per conversion, yet they only...
Google AdWords is Google’s advertising service that allows you to advertise your website on a SERP. Since Google is one of the biggest search engine networks, it is understandable why one would want to use a paid service to rank well on it. Businesses tend to make $2 on...
Pay-per-click (PPC), or paid search advertising, is a form of online advertising that was developed to cater to today’s marketing and business landscape. Allowing businesses to feature their ads prominently on search engine results pages (SERPs), websites or content sites, it delivers an immediate return on your investment as...