Running a Food Business? Here’s What You Should Post on Facebook

December 18, 2015 / by Dave Burnett

  Using social media websites to promote and market one’s business is the norm today. After all, it is an effective way to build strong and meaningful customer relationships, create brand awareness  as well as broaden your horizon while being extremely cost effective. So, why wouldn’t businesses utilize social...

Why Content Goes Viral

November 13, 2014 / by Dave Burnett

You’ve probably seen dozens of articles, claiming to explain what makes content go viral. But those claims are rarely baked up by data. We analyzed millions of content pieces over the past recent months and got a pretty good idea of what made them popular. Which formats were more...

Smart Brands Race to Respond

November 10, 2014 / by Khalid Essam

Did you know that, today 8 in 10 companies believe they provide superior customer service on social media outlets, while the fact is that 9 in 10 consumers disagree. Most brands are not keeping up with increased engagement, this infographic below shows that on average, brands only answers 20...

The New Online Marketing

November 7, 2014 / by Dave Burnett

The last few years have seen significant changes affecting the online marketing landscape. New platforms of communication, multi-channel content and the rise of the “Mobile Age” provide the savvy marketer with a new set of tools to expand reach and maximize bottom lines. To help you wrap up your...

Anybody Home? Socially Devoted Facebook Results

November 6, 2014 / by Dave Burnett

Globally Brands on Facebook respond to 65% of questions. Statically, this makes Facebook a socially devoted platform, new study revealed. Brands feel the importance of social media customer care, a new report from shows that in Q1 2014 the absolute number of questions asked grew by 1 percent...