Discover how the latest Google core update impacts website rankings and learn effective strategies to recover from traffic loss.

Google SOAR: What it means for SEO

April 11, 2024 / by Marketing Team

Unlocking New Efficiencies in Data Search: Google Updates ScaNN with SOAR In the ever-evolving realm of technology, Google has made a significant stride in enhancing its data search capabilities with an update to its ScaNN library. ScaNN, which stands for Scalable Nearest Neighbors, is designed for searching through vast...

Google has discontinued its Search Console Crawl Rate Control. This shift means sites must ensure robust infrastructure and trust algorithms more.

Google’s Indexing Process: Uncovering When Quality is Truly Evaluated

April 9, 2024 / by Dave Burnett

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), understanding Google’s indexing process is crucial for website owners and digital marketers alike. While many focus on optimizing content and technical aspects, the question of when quality is determined during the indexing process remains a mystery to some. This article...

AI and SEO: The Future of Search Engine Optimization

/ by Khalid Essam

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have sparked debates across various industries, including the field of search engine optimization (SEO). As AI systems become more sophisticated, many professionals are wondering if their roles could eventually be taken over by machines. This article explores the potential impact of...

Top 10 Small Business Trends to Watch in 2024: Insights for Entrepreneurs

February 27, 2024 / by Marketing Team

As we charge towards 2024, the world of small business continues to evolve at a breakneck speed. Entrepreneurs looking to start or grow their ventures must keep an eagle eye on the changing landscape to stay competitive and innovative. In this expansive guide, we’ll delve into the top 10...

Exploring the Role of AI in Social Platforms

December 4, 2023 / by Marketing Team

Content moderation is a crucial function in the sustainable management of online communities, especially on social media platforms where billions of users engage daily. As the volume of user-generated content exponentially grows, human moderators alone are finding it increasingly challenging to keep up. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI)...