32 East 57th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone 646.453.7550
250 Wincott Drive,
Toronto, ON M9R 4C8
Phone 416.815.8000
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We manage over 500 individual Google AdWords Accounts for companies of all shapes and sizes.
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As a Certified Google Partner, we are held to the highest standards of performance in managing your campaigns.
We are constantly training and updating skills to get you the best return on your marketing investment.
We offer premium managed services for advertisers with advanced PPC needs.
We don’t have any setup charges for campaign builds, and we only ask that you give us 120 days to prove our value. Anything we build for you… any accounts we set up… you will always have full access and can take them with you if you decide to leave.
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Managed Services pricing is based on a $500 flat monthly service fee plus a percent of your monthly advertising spend.
For a Free Consultation, call TOLL FREE 1.888.566.2577
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