32 East 57th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone 646.453.7550
250 Wincott Drive,
Toronto, ON M9R 4C8
Phone 416.815.8000
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“You are awesomeness!” (actual client quote)
[av_dropcap2]W[/av_dropcap2]e love to help our clients! There is an amazing feeling of satisfaction the first time you generate real interest in your products online. It’s what got us into the business in the first place.
There is nothing better than an unexpected inquiry from someone who is looking to a solution to their problem that you can solve. Whether you are offering an ecommerce solution, trying to grow your brand, or generate interest in your B2B product.
How long have you had a website? When was the last time you updated it? More importantly how does it look when you compare it to your competitor’s sites?
Getting discovered online is the best of all worlds. The end user is looking for a solution that you provide, and they find you! This allows you to spend your time delivering products and services rather than spending a ton of time trying to find interested buyers.
A whole new world opens up when you realize the potential that is out there.
Our job is making sure they find you, and not someone else.
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Here is our process:
We take a look at your existing website and review it for the basics.
No matter what market you are in, you have competitors. We review them too.
We take a look a what they are doing online:
What does success look like to you?
We help you come up with a strategy defining your long term goals and how you will measure success. We base all recommendations on what successes are important to you.
We review and work with your current successes, and identify areas of opportunity.
We work with big changes that will make a difference in the long term. Your website should be an ever-changing and evolving tool that brings you business.
Don’t guess what people are doing on your site. Know!
We have great tools that track user behavior right down to the areas on your screen where they have clicked. We can even review the entire journey any one user takes through your site! This will help with user interaction issues and how easy your site is to use.
Your site should not be static. People change… new ways to view your website are launched every year… and your products and services evolve over time.
Each market has its own users. What works for one market, may not work for another.
The best way to keep on top of the latest trends is to constantly test new ideas and to implement new winning strategies.
Our final step is to help you transfer the winning campaigns… text… ideas… strategies that have been proven and tested online to the other parts of your marketing.
Nothing happens in a vacuum. You can test and retest until you have an approach that works.
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