Go Fishing: How to Lure An Audience



When it comes to marketing, often times consumers are on the move. You may know the demographic, you may know who you want to reach, and you may know why you want to reach them. But, the logistics and strategy can get a bit complicated and confusing if you are new to marketing or are trying to keep up with today’s ever-increasing mobile world. But, with the right tips and strategies, you can improve your marketing plan’s impact and build something great for your business.

If you are fishing—or trying to catch that perfect audience  (Lure An Audience) —it is important to learn from those that have gone before; those who know and understand the industry so that you can build off of their successes and failures in your own strategies. In marketing the foundation of attracting more than just any audience but the right audience all comes down to psychology. You want to know and understand how to capture the minds and interest of a consumer first, and the promotional impact will come from there.

Knowing that the mind is the basis of all reactions, including those for marketing ends, it is important to learn the best tricks of the trade in order to elicit a visceral reaction in the audience. The following are some of those strategies, understanding, and the foundational basis to develop a strong marketing plan that will help you to get noticed not by just any audience, but the audience that you want.

1.Go Emotional

The brain is an essential part of the human body. It is the center of thought, emotion, and directs the human processes of the body that are necessary to healthy life function. While differences can exist in how this portion of the body functions, there are some parts that are extremely similar, including the amygdala. Known also as the primitive portion of the brain, this section remains relatively standard across all human beings, regardless of race, cultural background, and gender. As such, it is important for marketers to speak to and get a reaction from this important portion of the brain.

The amygdala is the controller of emotions. It is, then, the reactionary center such as in the case of instinct, sadness, or anger. This portion of the brain is important and it responds quickly and efficiently to messages and works subconsciously without directives or a clear rationale. It is, then, more reactionary and processes more quickly than the conscious and controlled sectors of the brain. In fact, it is estimated that the amygdala functions and reacts in under four seconds, and these reactions are not fleeting. They actually last and are remembered much longer than the other brain functions. Therefore, marketers need to play to this section of the brain.

One way to do this and to attract an audience is by going emotional. A product infomercial or services commercial, for example, can be long and packed with facts explaining the intricacies of a complicated system or item that you may be selling. But, this information is as fleeting as it is boring. Rather, marketers that want to attract an audience—especially in today’s quick and fast-moving world—need to play up said product or services emotional worth. People are not looking to purchase as much as they are looking to invest. Emotional reactions are a great motivator of these investments and will be a better motivator of purchases.

2. Include A Call to Action with Specifics 

Chances are that you have developed or utilized a marketing plan in your business that asks customers to do something. Maybe it was to try your new flavor of the week or buy a slice of pizza. These are great in that they can provide a motivation or a desire among your consumers by asking them to do something, but sometimes, these vague requests leave much to be desired.That is why it is important to include a call to action with specifics, especially if you are an organization that runs on donations. Instead of asking simply for monies, for example, ask for a donation of five dollars. This minimum requirement can be great in that it sets the bar for an individual to make some type of investment in the company. Further, by setting a minimum that is within most budgets, there is a better understanding of financial do-ability. That is to say that an individual sees a number that can be relatively easily absorbed into their budgets and not have to sacrifice a great deal to be involved. This is a great motivator because it provides specifics, so consider including this in your business or marketing plan.

3. Do Not Make It Difficult

Consumers do not want to feel like they are going to have to be massively and heavily involved in a project or purchasing effort. That is to say that they do not want to have to jump through a ton of hoops in order to purchase or become involved with an organization and its services. Instead, it is important to consider the fact that life is hectic and busy for many, from caring for children to navigating careers. It is important, then, to make purchasing or acquiring services as easy and as mentally uninvolved as possible. After all, they have more important things to consider than how to navigate the path from promotional material to front door to purchase. Give them a map!

If you create clear and decisive invitations to purchase and guide without sending commands, you are in a position to acquire a larger audience. Your consumers and potential consumers will see, know, and understand what it is that you are looking for from them and you will be better able to direct them to your target purchasing group. Do not make it difficult and you will reap the dividends of this additional effort.

4. Be Elite

Humans have a basic need to feel important. Self-esteem, as it is often referred, is the belief literally in oneself. They want to stand out and they want to feel like they are a part of something significant. This desire to be exclusive, then, is something that marketers should strive to achieve as they are a great motivator of purchasing and buying of products.

Consider, then, using marketing schemes in your business or in a portion of your business that promotes an elite—not an elitist—aspect of the company. Make your product or service appear as if it is for an exclusive group or a select few. For instance, if you gear your product “toward those that put security first,” are not saying verbatim that it is for a few but that is exactly the message you are sending.

If done the right way, it will appear exclusive or elite without turning people off by coming off as snobby.This balance is important and there is a pitfall to seeking an audience in that way. You need to make sure that you are being exclusive without coming off as a product that is biased, segregated, or just for the “too good.” Take note when building your plan to create a balance between exclusivity and elitism so that you do not alienate any and all of your client base.

5.Label Them 

As noted above, people want to feel exclusive and want to feel like they are associating themselves with a company or enterprise that values them on an individual basis. They do not, however, want to operate in a vacuum. That is to say that while individuals want to standout with their purchase or with their service selection, they do not want to be the only one to do that. Instead, they want to be part of a group and it is here that your marketing campaign can help.To make individuals feel part of a group, you can create a label for them. For instance, if you are urging people to donate, you may wish to say that those who donate “have bigger hearts” or are part of an “exclusive group” of some kind. This helps by essentially appealing to an individual’s desire to be part of a community that has a positive connotation and creates some type of connection all at the same time. People may think they do not want to be labeled, but…consumer reaction says differently.

6.Go For Images

Images are important. The saying goes that a picture can mean a thousand words. This is absolutely the case when the human brain is studied. For instance, an individual that wants to sell cheeseburgers can type the words that are used to describe said hamburger, like juicy or enticing. But, they are better suited to achieve this end if the user and consumer are actually able to see the image of a cheeseburger. Words are great and they can say a lot. They will never, however, be able to compete with images in an advertising campaign.

But, of course there is a risk, as with anything worth doing. Individuals who develop marketing campaigns need to know that images alone do not convey everything if not done correctly. That is to say that using too many pictures can jumble and confuse your overall message. Instead, those that want to target and acquire an audience—the right audience—must consider the images as part of a greater schematic rather than muddling and muddying the waters. Less is more but too few are not enough. Find the balance in image use.

Among the most popular and impactful of images that can be used in marketing is the face. The human body is equipped and readily able to recognize faces. Naturally, the mind is drawn to these pictures of human countenances in pictures, images, and the marketing campaigns that utilize them. The part of the body that processes these images is right next to the part that responds to emotion. Activating one can greatly increase the activation of another. One quick point to note is that not all faces are created the same, at least in terms of the mind. Babies, for example, are likely to draw the eyes and elicit an emotional response. That is why they should be used in a campaign whenever possible or fitting.

7. Do Not Completely Avoid Text

Instead of choosing to use a great number of images without any directives or erring on the side of text alone, consider a conglomeration of the two. An image with words is much more impactful and can have a lasting impression that far exceeds the picture alone. Therefore, consider combining pictures and words that mean something and clearly direct the consumer toward the message or product and service you are seeking. Think about the popularity of memes and their impact in reaching large audiences quickly for assistance when planning it. 

8.Frame the Picture or Message

Consumers and your target audiences are not going to spend a great deal of time reading your promotional text or absorbing your emotional images, unless they are powerful and really catches their eyes. Therefore, consider making everything that you do easy to scan. Scanning is the process by which someone essentially takes in your message using their eyes, quickly scanning for the items that pop out and pick up a sentence here or there in a paragraph. If you are not making your messages and promotions easy to scan, that you may miss out on sending a message with a quick glance which is ultimately what is likely to happen.

One way to make an image or marketing message better able to be scanned, make the promotional materials a story. Frame it for them. Use bright titles, eye catching words, and images that evoke emotions in a sparing but effective way. You want your consumer to go on a journey with you and you are likely to acquire them as a consumer if you are helping them through the process by framing it a fun and easy way.


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