32 East 57th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone 646.453.7550
250 Wincott Drive,
Toronto, ON M9R 4C8
Phone 416.815.8000
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Website development isn’t free… as I’m sure you know… and it will cost us money to rebuild your site.
So why would we do this?
Our thought process is simple:
Your current site needs some work, and you know this.
We think you’ve been avoiding updating your site because you don’t have the time to fix it… and you view it as an expense.
You view a website as something that takes money OUT of your pocket.
A website should be something that puts money IN your pocket!
You probably think your money is far better spent on marketing your company… to your prospects… stakeholders… investors… whomever moves your business forward.
And we agree!
So here’s our proposal…
We will take the burden of website development completely off your plate because we want your digital marketing business.
We will pay a series of top notch developers to redesign your site with YOUR goals in mind. You get to choose from over 100 templates that serve as a starting point, and we’ll add in your messaging… your branding… your voice so you put your best foot forward.
Now why on earth would we do all this?
Lets be clear. We’re a marketing company. Our mandate is to get your message in front of your targets at the moment they have their wallets out ready to buy… And help them make the decision to buy from YOU.
If you were getting $2 back for every $1 you spent marketing your website, how much would you spend?
The answer we usually get is ‘The sky is the limit’.
Our interests are aligned with yours because we get paid for results…but we can’t do that effectively unless you have a good online presence.
Sound interesting? We hope so!
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Perfect! We’re so happy you’re on board!
But people usually ask: So what’s the cost?
Well… you’re thinking about this the wrong way… WE are taking care of the costs. So what you should really be asking is:
How much do I want to spend promoting my business?
According to – (full article here) firms spend at least 11.4% of their firm’s revenues on marketing. Now we’re not sure how that translates to you and your competitive marketplace, but it’s a good place to start.
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But you don’t know anything about our business, our competitors, our challenges? How can you market it for us?
You’re absolutely right!
So let’s step back a minute and explain our initial process.
We will start by taking a look at what your competition is doing in YOUR marketplace… no speculation… no guesses… just the actual online environment you’re operating in.
How exactly do we do that?
Our analysis software is plugged directly into the most popular social networks. We use publicly available information to analyze their website and evaluate what your competition is doing on their social networks and compare it to your current online efforts.
By the way… don’t worry about your competitors catching wind that WE are checking up on them… they won’t know we’ve looked because all the information is publicly available (and it’s us looking anyways, not you).
Give us 20 minutes of your time, and we’ll outline EXACTLY what your competitors are doing on their website and on the most popular social networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, YouTube and Instagram.
We give you suggestions on how to catch up / defend against / blow them out of the water!
You get to keep the report. No obligation! Seriously!
IF you decide you like what you hear, and you want to do something about it… we’ll redesign your site to be mobile friendly, easy to update, and built to drive your success!
You pick the look and feel and to make life easier we’ll work together on the content… we will even keep it up to date so long as you’re with us! Then we’ll work on a marketing plan to make sure your new site gets the traffic it deserves.
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Here is our full process:
For all of our customers, we carefully review your current situation… your competitive environment… and make recommendations based on facts.
We take a look at your existing website and review it for the basics.
No matter what market you are in, you have competitors. We review them too!
We take a look a what they are doing online:
What does success look like to you?
We help you come up with a strategy defining your long term goals and how you will measure success. We base all recommendations on what successes are important to you.
We review and work with your current successes, and identify areas of opportunity.
We work with big changes that will make a difference in the long term. Your website should be an ever-changing and evolving tool that brings you business.
Don’t guess what people are doing on your site. Know!
We have great tools that track user behavior right down to the areas on your screen where they have clicked. We can even review the entire journey any one user takes through your site! This will help with user interaction issues and how easy your site is to use.
Your site should not be static. People change… new ways to view your website are launched every year… and your products and services evolve over time.
Each market has its own users. What works for one market, may not work for another.
The best way to keep on top of the latest trends is to constantly test new ideas and to implement new winning strategies.
Our final step is to help you transfer the winning campaigns… text… ideas… strategies that have been proven and tested online to the other parts of your marketing.
Nothing happens in a vacuum. We will test and retest until you have an approach that works.
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What will you learn when you get our free, no obligation report?
We’ll send you a 100 PAGE REPORT comparing your online presence with 4 of your top competitors.
Have you ever wondered…
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Your website can be many things… a place to communicate… a digital storefront… a place to build trust.
We feel the greatest advantage of a well built site is it can level the playing field in your industry. It doesn’t matter how small or large your company is… YOU can afford a great looking site that makes people want to learn more about you and your products.
Your out-of-date site says just as much as the words you’ve written on it.
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Tell us who your competitors are, and we’ll send you a 100+ PAGE REPORT with no obligation comparing your online presence with theirs (which includes what they are doing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Instagram AND a website analysis).
If you like what you hear… we’ll pay to BUILD YOU A SITE, keep it up to date, and promote it like crazy to your target market.
That’s it. Send us those sites and we’ll be back in touch. Thanks!
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For a Free Consultation, call TOLL FREE 1.888.566.2577
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