Social Media Mistakes That Are Making Your Customers Hate You

November 23, 2015 / by Khalid Essam

Entrepreneurs and marketers are increasingly incorporating social media networks across all of their organisation’s divisions. It has served as an excellent platform to voice your brand without having to empty the company expenditure accounts in order to fund social media campaigns. Thus, the immense benefits and development opportunities that...

Content Not Going Viral? Fix That Now

November 13, 2015 / by Khalid Essam

Recent years has seen content marketing gaining quite the popularity in the online marketing world. With the rapid introductions and innovations to technology, online marketing has come to form a major part of the marketing arena. Every business and organization understands that they need to create content that is...

10 Skills Every Online Business Should Learn

November 11, 2015 / by Khalid Essam

  Whether you are a solo entrepreneur or a brick-and-mortar business looking to expand your business online, the competition out there is tough. The only way to succeed is to learn and master essential business skills. A good entrepreneur needs a myriad of technical, operational, analytical and soft skills...

SEO Keywords

SEO for 2015

October 21, 2015 / by Khalid Essam

Search engine optimization (SEO), also known as organic search engine optimization, is a process which attempts to affect and improve the visibility of a particular website on the search engine result page (SERP) of Google, Bing, Yahoo and more. It is done by integrating elements and keywords in the...

Things you need to know about Google

October 7, 2015 / by Khalid Essam

  The creation of Google has led to restructuring of all businesses globally. It is a spectacle of web brilliance for everyone and is undisputedly the most efficient platform for marketers and a paragon to most businesses. Not only serving as the most competent and most efficient search engine,...