Ad Boost


Ad Boost – PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Campaigns


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[av_tab title=’Google Partner’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’215′]
As a Certified Google Partner, we are held to the highest standards of performance in managing your campaigns.  We are constantly training and updating skills to get you the best return on your marketing investment.

AOK Marketing Google Partner Badge
[av_tab title=’PPC (Pay Per Click) Campaign Management’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’36’]
Did you know that 97% of people search for products online prior to purchasing them?

PPC campaigns can improve your organic click through rates by as much as 66%?  Can you imagine a world where your products and services are front and center right at the moment your prospects are searching for them?

You don’t have to imagine, that reality is here today.  Contact us today to find out how effective PPC campaigns can get you results!
[av_tab title=’Page Optimization’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’64’]
Onsite factors such as Keyword Selection, Titles/Meta Descriptions, Headings/Sub-Headings, and Redirects must be set up. Offsite factors such as Links, Sitemap Submissions, Webmaster Verification and Authorship must be implemented correctly. This makes your relevant content easy for Google to categorize, and helps them serve the best result to your customers.
[av_tab title=’Partner Owned Websites’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’14’]
For promotional products distributors, suppliers, and industry participants. A custom URL to help your business get found!

Which package you should choose depends on the competitiveness of your target market.

The first step is to determine if your target market is competitive:

Competitive List #1: Competitive Categories:
Pens, Apparel, Bags, Mugs, Bottles, Jackets, T Shirts, USB Drives, Golf, Trade Show, Hats, Tote Bags

Competitive List #2: Competitive Locations:
NYC, LA, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta, Washington DC, Houston, Phoenix, Seattle, Tampa, Minneapolis, Denver, Miami, Orlando, San Diego

Then use this analysis to determine if you should select a basic, smart, or pro package below.

Basic: Non-Competitve – Neither the vertical or the target location you wish to target is on either of the competitive lists above.

Smart: Semi-Competitve – Either the vertical or the target location you wish to target is on one of the competitive lists above.

Pro: Competitve – Both the vertical and the target location you wish to target are on the competitive lists above.

After selecting the appropriate level of competitiveness, please see below for associated pricing.

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